2013年8月9日 星期五

2013/08/12~2013/08/16 PLANS

  1. DONE8/12 台大醫院體檢
  2. DONE8/12 ENDNOTE 學習
  3. DONE8/14ENDNOTE作業
  4. DONE桃療IRB初稿
  5. DONE《傑出女性學者給年輕學子的52封信》100% + 心得
  6. 學姊推薦文獻:
    • DONESocial Functioning Among Older Community-Dwelling Patients With Schizophrenia_review
    • DONEInventory and analysis of definitions of social participation found in the aging literature_Proposed taxonomy of social activities
    • Social Factors in Schizophrenia
    • Assessment of community functioning in people with schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses(V)

